3 Fast Growing Trees That Give Shade QUICK

The hardest thing about planting a tree is the "waiting". We often have these grandiose ideas when we plant a tree of what it'll look like, but sometimes we get ahead of ourselves. A tree can take years to fully establish and decades to reach mature height. Patience is key.

But there are times when practicality calls for a quicker solution: a family wanting to spend more time outdoors in need of some shade or a slightly too-open view into the neighbours back patio for example.

Times like these call for a "Fast Growing Shade Tree". These trees grow quickly and have dense, broad leaves that help maximize shade.

Here are 3 of our favourites: 

Trembling Aspen

A fast growing native North American tree with smooth pale bark. Delicate, light green, round leaves tremble in the breeze. Brilliant golden fall colour. Attractive planted in mass plantings or as individual specimens.


Greenspire Littleleaf Linden

A fast growing, symmetrical tree with very uniform branch arrangement and pyramidal form. Small shiny dark green heart-shaped leaves turn yellow in fall. Small fragrant flowers and cinnamon coloured bark. A great street or lawn tree.  


Patmore Ash 

A symmetrical, oval crown with a strong central leader. Glossy, dark green foliage turns golden-yellow in fall. This seedless cultivar is considered by many to be one of the best. It provides good disease and insect resistance.


Stay cool out there and happy planting!

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